These Author visits include: Readings of James' books (one book per presentation), the educational lessons behind the books, Question & Answer time, and the ability to purchase books, signed or unsigned for your school or organization.
"Looking for the Positive" is one of the most important lessons we can learn. Understand and learn strategies that help you become a more positive thinking individual. This program is appropriate for people of all ages.
Many people struggle with the idea of where they "fit in" in today's society. Adolescents and young adults, especially, can struggle with the idea of "fitting-in" and wanting to "belong". This presentation is designed to help students understand and appreciate their own individuality and uniqueness while embracing that individuality!
Core Values, Team Unity, Being a part of something bigger than oneself, Accountability to self and others, Trust and Roles are some of the areas necessary when building a championship culture.
With the changing climate in schools today, where safety of students and student welfare are a great concern, Jim believed it was time to take his message to a larger audience and begin speaking in schools, at student assemblies and staff meetings alike, across the Tri-state area.
However, early on, it became very clear that Jim's messages were necessary in the business field as well.
M.S. in Kinesiology and Health promotion with a Specialty in Sport Psychology. Minor in Psychology: University of North Texas
B.S. in Health and Physical Education. Minor in Psychology: The College of New Jersey.
Educator for 38 years
Teacher of the Year Award Recipient
Disney National Teacher of the Year Award Nominee
Character Educatio
M.S. in Kinesiology and Health promotion with a Specialty in Sport Psychology. Minor in Psychology: University of North Texas
B.S. in Health and Physical Education. Minor in Psychology: The College of New Jersey.
Educator for 38 years
Teacher of the Year Award Recipient
Disney National Teacher of the Year Award Nominee
Character Education Coordinator for nine (9) years.
Featured speaker in more than 100 Presentations and School assemblies.
Author of inspirational children's picture books
I Can and I Will! A simple phrase that James has been teaching for 38+ years. A phrase that can change one's perspective from can't to CAN!
Contact me, and we can design a workshop or presentation that fits the needs that you have today.
For more information on fees and availability, send me a message or call direct. Tell me about your event, where you are located and I will get back to you soon with more information.
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